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Subject: This ring was set into the stone steps at the base of the Airao ruin 30-45' above the current water line. Boats were tied up here during periods of high water.
Amazonas06 - 282

Amazonas06 - 283 * An overgrown cemetary near the Airao ruins of a rubber plantation from the early 1900s.

Amazonas06 - 284 * An overgrown cemetary near the Airao ruins of a rubber plantation from the early 1900s.

Amazonas06 - 285 * A flowering vine in the tree canopy.

Amazonas06 - 286 * A fragment of a Portuguese roofing tile at Airao.

Amazonas06 - 288

Amazonas06 - 289 * David is almost always at the ready for the next wildlife sighting.

Amazonas06 - 290

Amazonas06 - 291

Amazonas06 - 292

Copyright © 2006 Patricia E. Beebe and David R. Beebe (B2 Photo & Video)

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